WINDSTREAM 2021 online


5. APR.7 PM, Monday
PlaceOnline event

Festival WINDSTREAM 2021

Spring Season: online

Orchestra RIGA

Conductor Valdis Butāns

Narrator Enriko Avots

Mime Pēteris Rimšs

Programme: Though being best known as a poet Imants Ziedonis also wrote a prose for children named “Colourful Tales”. Ziedonis’ prose, with its flowery and imaginative language, was almost musical. With this in mind, a recording of Ziedonis’ “Zaļā pasaka” (The Green Fairytale) was made with narration and musical accompaniment by latvian composers: Selga Mence, Platons Buravickis, Anitra Tumševica, Evija Vecumniece, Ieva Klingenberga, Laura Gustovska, Juta Bērziņa un Ēriks Ešenvlads / Valdis Butāns rendition

Concert will be available online free of charge at the social media of Orchestra RIGA: Facebook and YouTube